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Eesti Spordiliit USAs
Estonian American Amateur Athletes


Committed to creating sporting experiences and events that bring Estonians together to celebrate their friendships and culture 

2025 Calendar of Events


-   Toronto Esto Volleyball Tournament - Feb 8

-   ESTO Ski - Feb 27 - Mar 2

-   Long Island Spordipäev - June 6 - 8

-   Laste Suvekodu - TBA

-   Joekääru Võrkballi Laager - July 26 - Aug 2

-   Järvemetsa Laager - Aug 9 - 17

-   Lakewood Eesti Mängud - Aug 1 - 3

-   Fall 2-Man Golf Tournament - TBA

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About us

Through your support, Eesti Spordiliit has served Estonian athletes and the North American Estonian community for over 60 years. Eesti Spordiliit USA (ESL) was launched in 1954 following a September 18th East Coast Masters volley ball tournament at Pine Terrace New York.

The original seven founders/competitors who declared and inaugurated the organizations future activities included: Meinhard Kaju, Raimond Pals, Elam Piktjaan, Ernst Roost, Heinrich Savo, Ferdinand Tammann and Kalle Vellenurme. ESL first annual meeting took place on Jan 9th, 1955 at the NY Estonian House where the ESL charter and by-laws were sanctioned.

The primary goal of ESL was to develop and foster sporting activities and events among Estonian organizations throughout the USA.

The ESL emblem (logo) was developed by the artist Peet Aren and depicts Estonian folklore hero “Kalvipoeg” launching a large stone. An ESL flag bearing the emblem was also created in 1977 and is proudly displayed at ESL events.Over the years, ESL has been devoted to creating and sustaining sports related events for young Estonians.

Every summer ESL coordinates athletic events at Lakewood and Long Island that offer kids, teenagers and adults the opportunity to compete and bond with fellow Estonians. Competitive events include: track & field, swimming, bowling, tennis, volleyball and golf.


ESL has also been instrumental in helping to fund, build and sustain the sports venues that are used at these events e.g. swimming pool, volleyball, basketball, tennis courts along with track and field sites.

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Long Island Spordpaev

Long Island Spordipäev / Jaanipäev

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Please come and enjoy the beautiful grounds & support the maintenance & activities of the LI Estonian House       


 20 Middle Island Blvd., Middle Island, N.Y.

Laupäeval, 10. juunil, 2023


Info on ticket prices and how to purchase can be found here:





Friday June 7th 1pm Golf Outing      at Mill Pond Golf Course

(see info under Golf tab)



Accommodation Options


All are welcome to tent on the grounds. There are also cabins for rent. 

Full cabin: $300 (prepay by 6/2 $250), Half cabin: $175. (prepay by 6/2 $125)

Security/cleaning deposit: $100 – Fee returned if room is cleaned to a satisfactory level before leaving.

For rooms, please contact Stefan Skonberg The rooms will go first come first serve!




Lakewood Eesti Mängud

Lakewood Eesti Mängud
70th Lakewood Estonian Games Aug 2-4 2024 

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LEM 2024 Sponsors

Weekend Schedule of Planned Events 

Friday, Aug 2nd


  • 12:00 p.m. - Golf  4-person Team Scramble at Lakewood CC, Andrus Ers ( Price with cart is $75. 

  • 18:00 p.m. - Lakewood Eesti Maja bar and dining table open until evening

  • 19:00 p.m. – Bowling at Finnigans Lanes @ Lakewood by Henry Ashford


Saturday, Aug 3rd


  • 08:00 a.m. – Swimming @ Candlewood - Lia Künnapas (

  • 09:00 a.m. – Pickle Ball Tournament Jackson Liberty HS - Carl Skonberg (

  • 09:30 a.m. - Track and field competitions registration Tarmo Pallop (

  • 12:00 p.m. - Tennis Jackson Liberty HS, Sarina Ashford and Arden Wichman ( (Registration by July 26)

  • 12:00 p.m. – Lakewood Eesti Maja bar and dining window open until the evening (bar open 14:00 p.m.)

  • 12:00 p.m. – Volleyball competitions at Eesti Maja grounds - Stefan Skonberg ( & Lilly Aasmaa

  • 2:00 p.m. – Chess tournament, Siim Vanaselja -

  • 2:00 p.m. - Children's petting zoo

  • 3:00pm - Biergarten and band playing outside during the afternoon

  • 5:00 p.m. – Volleyball finals, Stefan Skonberg (

  • 7:30 p.m. - "Valguspidu" includes athletes parade and awards. Laagri Laulud (camp songs) led by K. Põhi & U. Kärner followed by special Tuljak performance

  • 22:00 p.m. – Nublu & Gameboy Tetris  Performance inside EM after Valguspidu


Sunday, Aug 4th

Surf & Sun Family Day at Jenk’s North Inlet Bar Area - Point Pleasant.

LEM 70 Event Sign Up Form​click here 

Admission Prices



Prepay & SAVE   

Pre-sale ends on July 28th

With presale period over, anyone planning to attend our event will need to pay cash at the Lakewood Estonian House gate.


​​​​Friday Only

$10 (all ages)


Saturday  (Any Saturday ticket purchase includes admission to Fri)

$50 (17 to 69)

$20 (70 + )

$10 (6 to 16),  5 & under FREE,


Weekend Tenting Fee -  $40


Pay at Gate 



Advertisements - Support our 70th

If you'd like to advertise in the official LEM Program/Flyer that gets distributed at gate to all attendees, please contact Tarmo Pallop at:



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2024 Golf Events


LI Jaanipäev Golf Outing


June 7th -Mill Pond Golf Course - 1:00pm 


Pre-register - Andrus Ers -



Lakewood Eesti Mängud Scramble

Aug 2 -  Lakewood Country Club

Tee times starting at 12:00pm

Pre-register - Andrus Ers -


Annual Fall 2 Person Golf Tournament

Sept 21 - Pine Barrens Golf Club

Tee times starting at 12:00pm

Register - Andrus Ers -

Only 24 spots - first come first served!



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2022 Jay Peak  see coverage in Vaba Eesti Sõna

2023 Mont Tremblant  see coverage in Vaba Eesti Söna

2024 Mont Tremblant  see coverage in Vaba Eesti Sõna


2025 ESTO Ski Lake Placid NY Feb 27th - March 1st

USA Eesti Spordiliit's ESTO Ski event is just around the corner! Many important details are outlined below including lodging suggestions, discounted lift ticket directions, rental equipment promo codes, event sign up forms, and an agenda snapshot.​​


Saturday Night Awards Party: 

Tickets for our Saturday Night Awards Party are officially on sale until 11:59pm on Friday, February 14th. This event will take place on Saturday, March 1st, at 7:00pm at High Peaks Resort in their Great Range Room.


During our annual awards ceremony and party [open to all ages], winners from our 2025 Downhill Race, XC Fun Race, and Biathlon event will be announced. This year's event will be a more casual celebration with an array of passed hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, and plenty of time to mingle and dance! Tickets are available on our event page. There is only one set entry fee [no 2nd wave, as in past years]. Please be sure to note any dietary restrictions during checkout.



Mirror Lake Inn is the official ESTO Ski hotel for 2025. Call our booking representative, Stephanie Lange, at 518-302-3030 between 9am-4pm ET, M-F. Say you are with the "Estonian Ski Club". Discounted rates are now based on availability, so call soon!

​Other suggested lodging options include High Peaks Resort, AirBnb, and VRBO.


Discounted Lift Tickets:

We are excited to offer discounted lift tickets (approx 30% off) for Wednesday - Sunday if purchased directly through our event page. Tickets must be purchased by February 14th to secure the discounted rate - otherwise you must purchase at regular price through the mountain. Prices vary by day of the week/age. All lift tickets purchased through EAAA will be distributed by the ESTO Ski Trip Team in Lake Placid - location and pick up times TBA.


You will be asked to fill in the name, email, age for each ticket. We know this is tedious, but we want to ensure there are no issues with distribution later.


Discounted Rental Equipment:

There are two separate options for purchasing rental equipment. Pricing is the same, but the pick-up location is different. The Bear Den Lodge is closest to the beginner terrain, and it is recommended for any families with beginners to start over there and pick up their rentals from that lodge. There is parking over at both lodges and a shuttle/ ski trails that connect them both so it’s totally up to anyone purchasing rentals, we just want both to be available as options.


Event / Race Information

We are excited to offer our traditional events including a Downhill Race and XC Fun Race and we are even more thrilled to introduce a new event for 2025: the Biathlon Team Sprint. There is no fee to participate, however, participants will need to purchase a $24 trail pass upon arrival at Mount Van Hoevenberg in order to access the XC Fun Race and Biathlon events.

  • Downhill Race | Friday, February 28th | 10:30am | Whiteface Mountain

    • Downhill Sign Up Form - Submit one per participant

    • You will need a valid lift ticket to participate in this event

  • XC Fun Race | Saturday, March 1st | 10:00am | Mount Van Hoevenberg

  • Biathlon | Saturday, March 1st | 1:00pm & 2:00pm | Mount Van Hoevenberg


Preliminary Weekend Schedule


7:00pm: Welcome Meetup @ TBA



10:30am: Downhill Race @ Whiteface Mountain

5:00pm: Après Ski Mixer @ High Peaks Resort


Saturday *times subject to change*

10:00am: XC Fun Race @ Mount Van Hoevenberg

1:00pm*: Biathlon Session 1 @ Mount Van Hoevenberg

2:00pm*: Biathlon Session 2 @ Mount Van Hoevenberg

4:30pm*: Group Photo @ TBA

7:00pm: Awards Party @ High Peaks Resort

ESTO Ski - Race Results

2022  -  Click Here

2023  -  Click Here

2024  -  Click Here

Our Partners

ESL Partners

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The Estonian American National Council, Inc., (EANC), is the nationally-elected central organization of Estonian Americans in the U.S. Since 1952, the Estonian American National Council supports Estonian cultural activities and organizations in the United States. We work to create awareness of and support for Estonia among all Americans and to voice the Estonian American community's support for means to ensure security and stability as well as the economic and cultural viability of the Republic of Estonia. We are proud to support and foster Estonian culture, language, history and traditions in the United States. Please join our contact list today to find out about all of our recent activities . EANC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization sustained by voluntary, tax-deductible contributions from the Estonian American community.


The Goals of the Estonian American National Council (as stated in the EANC Constitution):

  • Represent Estonian Americans in activities designed to inform their fellow Americans about the current events, history, culture, people, and land of Estonia.

  • Provide Estonian Americans the opportunity to maintain connection to their cultural heritage and language through support of Estonian American schools, children’s camps, archives, and other organizations in the U.S. as well as foster effective communication among those organizations and Estonian Americans.

  • Develop working relationships with non-Estonian organizations that share or provide opportunities to attain EANC’s goals.

  • Provide reliable information to the U.S. government and citizens about events and issues affecting the Republic of Estonia and its people.

  • Recognize and help facilitate the work of Estonian Americans and organizations who have contributed to advancing and expanding professional, diplomatic, educational, cultural, archival, artistic, and entrepreneurial opportunities and otherwise supported the maintenance of Estonian culture and endeavors in the U.S.



The Estonian Students Fund supports students of Estonian heritage studying full-time at a college or university by awarding scholarships to promising candidates, who demonstrate academic excellence, community activity and leadership, and participation in and commitment to Estonian society.


We are making preparations for the 2024 application cycle and look forward to receiving applications from new and returning students!


Jan 15 - Feb 19   ESF accepting applications from USA-based Estonian students ONLY

         (i.e. students graduated from or are completing their final year of high school in the USA)


Feb 21    ESF begins accepting applications from Estonian students elsewhere in the world


Application portal is open until 150 applications are received or March 1st, whichever comes first.


In 2023, the application portal closed early due to an overwhelming response from around the globe.


We encourage you to:

          1. go to the ESF website now

          2. review the instructions ASAP and plan accordingly

          3. apply early


ESF website:

Official application (in Estonian):

English translation of the application:

English translation of the instructions:

For assistance in filling out the application, technical help or questions:

You will be directed to our help desk for USA-based applicants.






The Estonian Foundation of Canada is dedicated to ensuring the legacy of Estonian Canadians and their vibrant community through broad spectrum charitable support. The EFC enables the Canadian Estonian community to continue to embrace and enrich the Canadian society, while maintaining its unique culture, traditions and institutions.




The Estonian Foundation of Canada (EFC) is a registered charity supporting Estonian cultural and heritage initiatives across Canada. We connect with and support a network of institutions, organizations and people who believe in an Estonian future in Canada. Charitable No. 891452575 RR 000


ERC Mission


Support fellow Estonians in need in the United States and in Estonia

The ERC provides financial support to registered non-profit organizations throughout the United States and Estonia that have the means to use our grants for charitable purposes to reach many in need.


Help preserve and promote Estonian culture and heritage across the entire USA

The ERC provides charitable financial support to Estonian-American youth groups and camps, educational societies, choirs and dance groups, non-profits, and related projects and events.


Recent Grants to Estonia

  • Estonian Red Cross (Ukraine Refugee Relief)

  • Tallinn Children's Hospital Foundation

  • SOS Children's Villages in Estonia

  • Estonian Support Union of the Deafblind

  • Estonian Women's League (women's shelters)

  • Estonian Food Banks

  • Estonian Wounded Warriors Association

  • Estonian Association of Injured Soldiers


Recent Grants in the U.S.

  • Estonian Societies and programs: New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Washington, Lakewood, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco & Northern CA.

  • West Coast ESTO 2019 and 2022

  • Estonian Singing Choirs in the USA

  • Estonian Folk Dancing Troops in the USA

  • USA participation at 2019 Estonia Song & Dance Festival

  • Estonian Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in USA

  • Federation of Associations for the Advancement of Estonian Youth (Järvemetsa/Lakewood campgrounds)

  • Estonian American Amateur Athletes

  • Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters

  • Estonian Archives in the USA

  • Free Estonian Word programs

Contact Us


243 E 34th St

New York NY 10016

You can contact us by using this form:

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